The Curzon Child
“This is a school that lets you be you.”
“You start off as a small mustard seed in Reception and grow into a tree in Year 6 so that you can help others.”

At the end of Year 6 a typical Curzon pupil:
- Understands their achievements and can articulate how they have grown during their time at Curzon.
- Lives out the Curzon values of courage, kindness and respect.
- Is respectful to those from different world views and accepting of different needs.
- Has a deep understanding of the Christian faith and its role within the world today.
- Collaborates well with their peers.
- Enjoys supporting younger pupils and others within their community.
- Is able to step outside their comfort zone and challenge themselves.
- Is able to reflect, revisit and improve on their work.
- Shows care towards the environment.
- Is able to use technology respectfully and to enhance their learning.
- Is curious and asks questions about their learning and the world around them.
- Is articulate in explaining thoughts and opinions.
- Advocates for what is fair and just.
- Is keen to raise money for charity and make a difference.
- Seeks to help those who need it.
- Knows what is right and wrong and can make the right behaviour choices.
Please click on our map to see how our pupils grow towards these outcomes through their time at Curzon.