About the PTA

Curzon has an active PTA which is an extremely valuable asset to the school and its pupils. All parents and guardians are automatically a member of the PTA (Parent and Teachers Association) and are welcome to contribute in any way they wish.  Please feel free to come along to the half-termly PTA meetings and coffee mornings for a chat.

We always welcome ideas for ways to raise money or things to spend money on, and any help in terms of time or resources are hugely appreciated – helping to serve at Festive Lunches, donations for raffles, organising events, running stalls at the fete, financial donations etc etc…

Each class has a parent representative who is very supportive in helping new parents settle into Curzon. The first day of term can be a daunting experience for pupils and parents alike. So, if you can’t remember whether Frubes are allowed in lunch boxes or what the policy is on bringing birthday cakes/sweets to school then ask your class rep who should be able to help.
The PTA Committee organises a variety of regular events throughout the year for example:

  • Festive Lunches – these are held at the end of the Autumn and Spring terms and every child is offered the opportunity to have a cooked roast meal in the festively decorated school hall. (The charge is made at food cost)
  • Summer Fete – In June the PTA organise a day of fun, stalls and fund raising in the school and its grounds.
  • Termly Cake Sale – Parents donate cakes which are then sold one afternoon after school.  Termly ice cream sale – children obviously love these! Ice creams are generally sold from the kitchen window after school, once a term.
  • Termly coffee mornings held at our local pub (The Squirrel)
  • Bags to School – this is a very easy way to earn money for the school! Simply keep hold of unwanted clothes and twice a year, blue sacks are sent home and a central collection is made, for which every kg earns the school money.

There are many ways to be involved in the PTA without joining the Committee itself. You can bake a cake for the cake sale, man a stall at the fete, come up with some interesting fund raising ideas or just come and join us for a drink when we meet.

If you want to speak to someone on the PTA you can either email them at pta@czn.odbst.org  or post a note into the box in the Howe lobby.

Cheques for PTA events should be made payable to CURZON SCHOOL PTA.