Secondary Transfer
Growing Beyond Curzon

As a small school, we work hard to prepare our pupils for secondary school. Our pupils go on to a range of local schools-both Grammar and Upper Schools. We support parents and children through this, offering advice and support about the process and the 11+.
Starting secondary school – BBC Parents’ Toolkit – BBC Bitesize
Circle time sessions for all Year 6 pupils
- Practicalities e.g. reading a timetable, organising homework time
- How secondary school days work
- What to do if you get lost
- Who to ask for help
- Joining clubs to meet new people
- Making friends and navigating friendships
- Being yourself
Ex-pupils visit and share advice.
Extra sessions are tailored and run for SEND pupils and those who may be feeling anxious.
Building resilience and independence through our curriculum

- Courage is a core value. There will be bumps in the road but you will get over them.
- Growth mindset approach celebrated in school- I can’t do it yet.
- Opportunities for pupils to go outside of their comfort zone e.g. residentials in Year 5 and 6; showing round prospective parents; going to London on the underground; performing with other schools; Young Leaders’ Award project.
- Year 6 pupils are expected to take responsibility for their homework and self-organisation.
- Learning about people who have overcome adversity e.g. Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, neuro diverse role models.
Empowering our pupils to make the right choices
- PSHE curriculum and assemblies on friendships and on the issues of peer pressure both online and offline.
- E safety taught in all year groups and woven across computing curriculum.
- Behaviour policy based around pupils taking ownership for their behaviour.
Developing links with our local secondary schools
- Attending art events
- English days
- Attending PE events
Providing planned opportunities to mix with pupils from other schools
- All year groups take part in sports festivals with other local schools.
- Extra-curricular competitive sports fixtures with other schools.
- Taking part in events with lots of other schools, e.g. Echoes, Chiltern Area projects.
- Meeting pupils from other schools on residentials.
- Twinning programme with a larger local primary school.