Our Vision

Learning, sharing and growing under God, our vision is for all within our school community to be like the mustard seed growing into a tree to support others. Through our key values of courage, kindness and respect, we teach our children to actively live out this vision.
‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree for others to take shelter’ Matthew 13. V31-32
Our school vision is that every child flourishes and grows like the mustard seed to become a tree to protect and support others. Throughout the school we provide opportunities for all our pupils to develop as confident and resilient learners who seek to help others.
For Christians, the idea of something starting small and then growing mirrors how Jesus came to Earth in a quiet subtle manner. The kingdom of Heaven on Earth had very humble beginnings. Christians also believe that we can grow towards God both on Earth and in Heaven.
Our vision is underpinned by 3 core values: courage, kindness and respect. The children know and recognise these values in themselves and others. They think about What Would Jesus Do when making decisions and strive to be the best they can be in all areas of life.
Not only is our aim that our pupils grow into mature, caring and responsible adults but that they go out and help others, seeking to make a positive impact on the world. The school supports many different charities and pupils are encouraged to advocate for charities of their choice. The School and Eco Councillors organise projects that benefit others, such as reducing plastic waste and sponsored events. Year 5 participate in the renowned Archbishop of York’s Citizenship Scheme and the school benefits from twinning links with a primary school in Kenya.

Curzon’s 2022 Equality Objectives are:
Improving knowledge, skills, attitudes to enable pupils to appreciate and value diversity and different world views.
For most travellers to make progress that is at least in line with their peers and/or attain age related expectations.