
Below is an outline map of our curriculum showing what is covered in each year group and in each subject. Each class teacher holds a Meet the Teacher information evening at the start of each academic year and sends out termly newsletters where they discuss the curriculum in more depth.
Each class has cookery and half a term of Forest School. In addition to this, pupils in Key Stage 2 have a term of swimming each year and weekly French lessons.
We use the following published schemes, tailoring and supplementing them to our pupils: Maths- White Rose; PSHE- Jigsaw (each class does the same themes at different levels); Computing- Rising Stars; Music- Charanga; Science – Hamilton and Plymouth; French -Language Angels
Literacy and Maths are mapped out on separate documents: English; Maths
In addition to the enrichment activities below, the school holds special whole school days, such as Science, RE and IsingPOP.
Key Stage 1
Most topics are taught over a 2 year rolling programme. Although there are the same broad themes of enquiry in RE in Year A and Year B, different content within each theme will be studied in each year of the rolling programme.
Year 1 and Year 2 share the same topics for all the foundation subjects. By the end of the key stage, children will have competed the national curriculum requirements for both Year 1 and Year 2. Teachers plan carefully differentiated lessons to ensure that Year 2 children are challenged more within each topic.
We are currently in Year A.

Key Stage 2
RE is on a 2 year rolling programme based on Understanding Christianity (70% Christianity 30%, Other World Faith). Each term has a Christian unit and a supporting world faith mini unit linking the same themes: God Creation Fall People of God Incarnation Gospel Salvation Kingdom of God
We are currently in Year B.