
ODBST Scheme of Delegation 

The Local Governing Body of Curzon C of E Combined School

ODBST (Oxford Diocese Bucks Schools Trust) is governed by a Board of Trustees who is responsible for overseeing the management and administration of ODBST and all the academies run by it including Curzon. The Trustees are accountable to external government agencies including the Charity Commission and the Department for Education for the quality of education they provide. They are required to have systems in place through which they can assure themselves of quality, safety and good practice. As Curzon is a Church of England school, the Trustees are also accountable for ensuring that the academy provides an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. In order to discharge these responsibilities the Trustees appoint people who are locally based to serve on a local governing body which has been established to ensure the good governance of the school.

Curzon’s Local Governing Body has three core functions:

  1. To ensure clarity of the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  3. To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.

The Headteacher is responsible for the implementation of policy and of the curriculum, for the day-to-day operations of the school, and is accountable to the Diocese and Local Governing Body. The Local Governing Body has overall responsibility for the aim and direction of the school and is accountable to the Oxford Diocese Bucks Schools Trust, as well as to parents for the way the school is run.

Our Local Governing Body is made up of up to 12 governors at any one time, to include the Headteacher, one elected by staff, two elected by parents and a further eight appointed by the Diocese. With the exception of the Head Teacher, governors all hold office for a period of four years. Governors can be contacted by letter or email via the school office.

On conversion to an academy within the ODBST on 1st June 2020 all governors’ terms of office came to an end. All were reappointed as members of the Local governing body at that time and it was agreed that the expiry date of the original term of office would be observed to facilitate orderly succession planning.

Our Local Governing Body meets together formally twice a term and governors are also part of sub-committees or working groups, which meet once or twice a term, to deliver the school’s vision and objectives and to ensure all statutory business, such as budgets and policies, can be properly discussed. These are:

  • Curriculum & Admissions Committee
  • Finance, Personnel & General Committee (to include the Pay Review Committee)
  • Premises, Health & Safety Committee
  • Foundation Governors Working Group (to oversee the school’s Christian distinctiveness).

Governors agree to abide by a Code of Conduct and accept the seven Nolan principles of public life.

Effective governance is based on six key features (taken from the DfE’s Governance Handbook, updated Jan 2017):

Core pillars of the board’s role and purpose:
Strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy.
Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance.

How governance is organised:
People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity.
Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

Ensuring and improving the quality of governance:
Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements.
Evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance.

If you would like more information on becoming a governor at Curzon, please contact our Chair of Governors via the school office. Alternatively, more general information about school governors can be obtained from the the Oxford Diocese Governance – Oxford Diocesan Board of Education ( or Oxford Diocesan Buckinghamshire Schools Trust

Our Local Governing Body Governors (LGB) 2022-23 are as follows:

Our Governors, showing their roles and current 4 year term dates are detailed below:

Mrs J Payne, Headteacher – 19/10/2019

Mr M Bowditch, Chair of Governors (Parent governor, elected by parents: Finance and Premises) 15/01/2023 – 14/01/2027

Countess E Howe (Foundation governor, appointed by the Diocese: Curriculum, Foundation and Head Teacher performance management) 12/03/2023 – 11/03/2027

Mrs R Lawrence (Foundation governor, appointed by the Diocese: Finance, Curriculum, Foundation and Head Teacher performance) 26/11/2019 – 25/11/2023

Mrs J Cossins Vice Chair of Governors (Foundation governor, appointed by the Diocese: Curriculum and Foundation) 10/03/2022 – 09/03/2026

Mr P Ryan, F.C.A. (Foundation governor, appointed by the Diocese) 09/05/2022 – 08/05/2026

Mrs W Allen (Staff governor, elected by staff: Curriculum) 01/10/2022 – 30/09/2026

Mr A Smith (Foundation governor, appointed by the Diocese) 09/01/2023 – 08/01/2027

Mrs J Bunce (Parent governor, elected by parents: Premises) 16/10/2020 – 15/10/2024

Mrs J Bunce

Governors who are no longer serving the governing body but served during the preceding twelve months are listed below with the date their terms ended:

Mrs S Elsey (Foundation governor, appointed by the Diocese: Finance and Foundation) 12/11/2020 – 11/11/2024

Mr P Owen (Staff governor, elected by staff: Curriculum) 12/09/2022

Rev R Atkinson (Foundation governor, appointed by the Diocese) 01/09/2022

Mr A Hornsby (Foundation governor, appointed by the Diocese) 31/08/2022

Please follow the link below to access information on the Governing Body, Business Interests and Attendance at Meetings:

Business and Pecuniary Interests

GovernorBusiness InterestPecuniary InterestGovernor at another educational establishment
J PayneNoNoNo
M BowditchNoNoNo
E HoweFamily farm businessFamily farm businessNo
S ElseyNoNoNo
R LawrenceNoNoNo
J CossinsWhere Inspiration BloomsWhere Inspiration BloomsNo
R RyanNoNoNo
W AllenNoNoNo
A SmithNoNoNo
J BunceNoNoNo
P OwenNoNoNo
R AtkinsonNoNoNo
A HornsbyNoNoNo

Governor Attendance 2022-23

      DateM BowditchJ PayneW  AllenR LawrenceS   ElseyE HoweJ    BunceJ CossinsP   RyanA   Smith
Local governing body8/90410.22111111011
Curriculum/Admissions5/506 10 2211111
Finance & Personnel4/512 10 2211110
Premises H&S3/417 10 221110
Local governing body8/915 11 22111101111
Curriculum/Admissions4/523 11 2211111
Finance & Personnel5/525 11 2211111
Finance & Personnel5/517 01 2311111
Premises H&S3/421 01 231110
Curriculum/Admissions5/519 01 2311111
Local governing body8/1024 01 231111011101
Finance & Personnel4/528.02.2311110
Local governing body8/1007 03 231111010111
Finance & Personnel4/502.05.2311110
Local governing body8/1002 05 231111011011
 Finance & Personnel5/5 27.06.2311 –11 – – – 1 –
 Curriculum/Admissions 4/5 15.06.23 –011 –1 – 1 – –
Local governing body6/10 20 06 231111 0 0 0 1 0 1

Governor Attendance 2023-4

      DateM BowditchJ PayneW  AllenR LawrenceE HoweJ    BunceJ CossinsP   RyanA   Smith
Local governing body7/905.10.23111111100
Finance & Personnel3/311 10 23111
Curriculum/Admissions4/512 10 2311101
Finance & Personnel4/421.11.231111
Finance & Personnel4/416.01.241111
Local governing body8/931.01.24111111110
Finance & Personnel4/405.03.241111
Local governing body7/905.03.24110111101
Local governing body5/902 05 24111110000
Curriculum/Admissions5/502 05 2411111
 Finance & Personnel3/4 07.05.2411 –1 – – – 0 –

Attendance key: 

1= attended

0= apologies

– = not a member of that committee and therefore not invited to attend

Current governors: Please click here to access the Governor Portal (Username and Password protected).

ODBST Trust Board

We are members of the Oxford Diocesan Bucks Schools Trust, and the governance of the Trust belongs to the main ODBST Board of Trustees. Below is our Scheme of Delegation.  This also includes our Constitution and Terms of Reference. Paper copies can be obtained through the school office or by using the contact us option on this website. You can also find details of the Trust Board and details of our Trust Governance by clicking the link (to ODBST website) 

The Clerk to the Local Governing Body is Rachel Lawson and can be contacted by email:

ODBST Scheme of Delegation Approved July23

OBDST Governance Structure:

Please refer to the link below for the OBDST governance Structure

Bucks Schools Trust (ODBST)