Category Archives: Pupil Events
Chiltern Open Air Museum
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- Nov, 15, 2019
- Charlotte Bradshaw
- Pupil Events
The children had a trip to COAM on Wednesday morning where they had workshops on life in Stone Age Britain and Anglo-Saxon Britain. It was a fun and interesting chance to realise just how much they already knew from their studies and to try their hand at some essential skills, such as building a shelter […]
Science Day
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- Oct, 25, 2019
- Charlotte Bradshaw
- Pupil Events
On Tuesday 22nd October we held a fantastic Science Day. The whole school had the chance to watch science shows provided by Science Oxford and also to try a variety of activities and challenges, to which they responded brilliantly. There was good thinking and reasoning going on as well as a lot of fun. Challenges […]
Woodrow Residential
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- Oct, 04, 2019
- Charlotte Bradshaw
- Pupil Events
Year 6 enjoyed an action packed residential trip to Woodrow. Highlights included Nightline, Low Ropes and Jacob’s Ladder.
Our Eco Warriors
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- Sep, 06, 2019
- Charlotte Bradshaw
- Pupil Events
A huge thank you to a group of pupils who kindly gave up time in their summer holidays to weed and replant the pond area. The results are fantastic.
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- Sep, 03, 2019
- Charlotte Bradshaw
- Pupil Events
As a reward for winning this year’s Cop Cards competition, Year 6 pupils spent an exhilarating day at Legoland.
Year 4 River Trip
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- Sep, 03, 2019
- Charlotte Bradshaw
- Pupil Events
Year 4 had a fantastic time at the River Misbourne as part of their Geography topic comparing two sites. They carried out of a range of fieldwork activities including measuring flow and pond dipping.
Christian Impact day
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- Aug, 29, 2019
- Charlotte Bradshaw
- Pupil Events
On Tuesday 11th June the children took part in five different activities in order to learn how Christians try to make a positive impact around the World. The focus was on how local charities help refugees and they enjoyed making meals, shelters in the woods, producing pieces of art, making a radio podcast and music […]
World Book Day 2019
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- Mar, 08, 2019
- Charlotte Bradshaw
- Pupil Events
The children came to school dressed as their favourite book characters, enjoying parading their costumes during a special assembly. Year 6 pupils shared picture books with younger children and throughout the day, there was a buzz about books.
Spring Wonderland Day March 2019
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- Mar, 08, 2019
- Charlotte Bradshaw
- Pupil Events
On Thursday 8th March, we held our annual Spring Wonderland Day where classes come off timetable and spend the day on activities such as making dens, outdoor sculptures and bird feeders. The children are divided into mixed aged groups so the older pupils can support the younger ones and we witnessed many examples of kindness, […]