We have September intakes for 20 children in Reception and 6 children in Year 3.
We handle our own in year admissions. Please contact for more information.
We welcome you to come and visit our lovely school.
Please contact us to make an appointment.
01494 712251
In the meantime, please watch the videos below which give you a flavour of the wonderful family atmosphere of our happy and caring school.
Welcome Tour
Snapshot of a Curzon Day
Curzon Surrounding
Forest School
Curzon CE Combined School holds a waiting list. If you wish to be added to the waiting list, as detailed in the policy, please contact the school directly. Please note we ask you to contact us by the last school day of each term to confirm your continuing interest in a place.
Please find our prospectus here: Prospectus brochure
Admission Policies/Documents
Curzon CE Combined School Determined policy for Admissions 2024-25
2024-25 Appendix 1 (Curzon catchment)
2024-25 Appendix 2 (Coleshill catchment map)
Admissions ODBST policy Determined 2025 26
Admissions ODBST policy 2026-27 CONSULTATION outcome:
Having consulted on reducing our Year 3 admissions PAN for 2026-27 to 3 places, we have listened to the views of our stakeholders and local community and have decided to offer 5 places. Unfortunately, at this moment, we are unable to offer the usual 6 places due to the capacity of our classrooms.
We will agree to exceed the admission number up to a maximum of 6 (i.e. the original PAN) in order to accommodate all catchment children/siblings (whether or not they expressed a preference for the school. Should an application require it, we will accede to a request under the Fair Access process for any Buckinghamshire child needing a school place that cannot be placed at an alternative school within a reasonable distance from home.
This only applies to 2026-27 admissions and the PAN will return to 6 for 2027-28 and there onwards.
We will take into consideration any significant response from consultees to challenge this planned change.