PTA News
PTA NEWS – 7th February 2020
The ONLY PTA meeting for this term will be held on Tuesday 11th February (NEXT WEEK) at 8pm at The Squirrel. It would be great if you could come along and share any new ideas for fundraising for our school, but also to hear about the plans for what this year’s donations will be spent on. There’s a free glass of wine for anyone coming for the first time ? see you there!
There are still a handful of tickets left for the Quiz Night so do book yours asap if you want to come.
WANTED – We will be running a tombola on the night and are in need of tombola prizes! So if you aren’t able to come but want to support the event in some way then donating a tombola prize could be just the thing! Please put any NEW, GOOD CONDITION tombola prizes in the PTA box in the office, give them to a PTA person or talk to your class rep for more info. THANK YOU
PTA NEWS – 31st January 2020
We only have one PTA meeting this term, which we would love it if you could attend to share any ideas or feedback you may have on fundraising activity for our school.
Meeting is 7.45pm for 8pm prompt start at The Squirrel. Really do hope to see some of you there.
Our first Bake Sale of the year is next Friday.
PTA NEWS – 24th January 2020
It’s time to brush up on your general knowledge for Curzon School’s first ever quiz night!
28th Feb 7pm to 10:30pm in the Curzon school hall, with all profits going towards playground improvements for the school.
£13 per ticket or £25 per couple (this is an adults only event so no kids!) plus we are asking people to bring a dessert which can then be auctioned off in the break!
Ticket price includes antipasti starter and main course of sausage, fennel, spinach and mascarpone conchiglioni – cooked by Lizzie, who is a trained chef. There will also be a veggie option.
There will be a cash bar and tombola plus auction prizes. Teams of 6 to 8. Please let us know who is in your team when you buy your ticket.
Tickets are on sale now for Curzon parents and will be open to our wider local community from 1st Feb.
Click here to book your tickets february/
PTA NEWS – 17th January 2020
Thank you to everyone who donated or helped with the School Disco. We raised a great amount, not least because of some very generous donations and people forgoing reimbursement for their expenses.
Are you planning on selling a property this year? If so then if you (or a friend you recommend) use Keegan White Estate Agents they will donate 10% of the selling fee to Curzon School. Worth mentioning as it could be a really great way of supporting school fundraising!
PTA NEWS – 10th January 2020
The Curzon School Quiz Night (for parents only) will be held on the evening of 28th February. Info to follow.
Bag2school will be coming home soon, so please keep any good quality clothes, shoes etc Bags will be due back Thursday 27th February.
PTA NEWS – 13th December 2019
Happy Friday! 3 things of note to tell you this week.
Just a reminder that there are 3 initiatives currently going on where by simply doing your normal shopping you can help Curzon raise money.
Waitrose in Beaconsfield have us as one of their 3 green token bins at the moment so if you are planning to do any Waitrose shopping, or you have any family or friends who shop there please do ask for them to put their green tokens in the Curzon bucket.
Also Amazon Smile and Easyfundraising are great ways to generate donations for school. All you have to do is register with them and choose Curzon as your cause and then shop away as normal, it really is that simple.
On behalf of everyone at the PTA we hope your kids have a wonderful time this evening at the school disco x
PTA NEWS – 15th November 2019
Happy Friday! 3 things of note to tell you this week.
Money tree envelopes have come home in your child’s book bag this evening. There will be a house point issued on Monday for every returned envelope with a coin or gold coin inside! For those of you who are new to school, these envelopes go on the money tree at the school disco and are one of the children’s favourite stalls. Thank you so much.
Have a lovely weekend x
PTA NEWS – 8th November 2019
We are delighted to be holding the festive lunch again this year, which will take place on Wednesday 11th of December. This is an event organised by the PTA, entirely for the enjoyment of the children, as they love having a big Christmas dinner together in the hall. The meal is provided at cost, by the Hit or Miss and is priced at £5 per child. There is the option to bring in a packed lunch if that is what you and your child would prefer. If you are free on the day, it is great to have plenty of volunteers to get the food served to our children as quickly as possible. If you can help please let us know on the booking form.
Could everybody please fill in the online form at before the 29th of November (which will be here before we know it!). Payment can be done online or with a cheque (made out to Curzon School PTA) or cash in a named envelope which can be posted into the PTA box in the Howe Lobby.
If you have any questions, please ask Caroline Oden (Jemima & Poppy’s Mum) in the playground or email
We have received the proof cards back, with your children’s beautiful designs. These should now have been safely delivered via book bags.
There is a great selection of gift ideas, Cards, Gift Tags, Mugs,* Tea *Towels and Bags for Life. Perfect Christmas gifts to be had for Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, etc…
You can now put your orders through on the Curzon PTA online booking system:
Please ensure to check your child’s name and class details (at the back of the proof cards) are correct before ordering.
All orders will need to be made by Wednesday 13th November, to ensure we have the cards and gifts back in time for Christmas.
The order forms that will be attached to the proof cards are purely for showing you what’s available and their prices. Please refer to the online payment system to make your purchases. Cash and cheque payments are also optional.
PTA NEWS – 18th October 2019
A huge thank you this week to everyone who baked, bought and served at the bake sales last Friday and Monday. In total we raised a staggering £375.12 which is a brilliant start to our fundraising for this school year. Special thank you mentions to Vikki Dale, our brilliant Bake Sale organiser and to Sal Elsey and her team of sellers on the day braving the yukky weather and crowds of sugar-hungry hands!
The Christmas School Disco is the next big fundraiser on the horizon so a few things to look out for if you are having a clear out over the next few weeks. Do you have any leftover individually wrapped sweets or bags of sweets (no nuts pls) for our Sweetie Tombola and also any gift Christmas wrap/wrapping paper for our Lucky Dip and Grotto Gifts. All donations gratefully received.
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend 🙂
PTA NEWS – 11th October 2019
Just one thing this week, a reminder that the Christmas Cards & Personalised Gifts are DUE IN BY TUESDAY 15TH OCTOBER. All profits from the cards and gifts go to the PTA. Please don’t hesitate to contact Lisa Bowditch or speak to one of the PTA members in the playground if you have any questions. Templates to download can be found on last week’s PTA Newsletter.
Thank you, have a good weekend.
PTA NEWS – 4th October 2019
We have a new toner recycling scheme in place. Empties Please will accept any toners to recycle for the parts plus they will pay us for the ones that are refillable and we will earn green points for the school which will reward us with some eco friendly gifts. These envelopes are coming home in book bags. When filled they are to returned to school either in the small container by the battery recyclers or the grey box in the office. This is an all year round scheme so please drop them off anytime. Maybe your family, friends, neighbours or places of work could donate them too?Thanks in advance.
* Please bring all cake donations to the computer room side door on Friday morning
* Cake boxes will be given out in playground next week. Spares boxes in Howe Lobby
* Please remember to bring or give your children money on the day.
Just a quick reminder about avoiding any kind of nuts in small cakes such as muffins, brownies and fairy cakes, which may be eaten at school or on the way home. Nuts are OK in big cakes but they MUST be labelled appropriately and sold whole to take home. If in doubt avoid nuts!
Christmas Cards and Personalised Gifts
It’s never too early to start feeling festive! The PTA gives you an opportunity to buy individual Christmas cards and individual personalised gifts with designs by your child.
Templates (links to pdfs below) are going out in book bags this week for your child to draw their own designs. Once completed, please post the template with their name and class clearly labelled in the PTA box by Tuesday 15th October.
You will then receive one free sample Christmas card for each design you submit and the opportunity to buy cards, Christmas-themed mugs, bags, tea towels, or gift tags ready in time to send out for Christmas.
There are no limits to the number of designs your child submits. In the past parents have taken this opportunity to stock up on thank you cards too (for all those Christmas/birthday gifts they receive), Christmas cards to business contacts or non-Christmas themed mugs.
All profits from the cards and gifts go to the PTA. Please don’t hesitate to contact Lisa Bowditch or speak to one of the PTA members in the playground if you have any questions.
Thank you everyone, have a wonderful weekend.
PTA NEWS – 27th September 2019
A huge thank you to everyone who attended the PTA AGM on Wednesday evening, and especially to those who subsequently have volunteered to help us with various projects, your support is very gratefully received.
We still need someone to coordinate and manage the Bags2School twice a year and one more admin for our planned Facebook page so please do get in touch if you think you can help with either of these. Full minutes of the meeting and a copy of the presentation that was given will be attached to next week’s newsletter.
Also a huge thank you to the volunteers who helped out at the AGM. There’s a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into the presentations and arranging the cheese, wine and tombola so a huge thank you to everyone who supported with that. We were able to raise a brilliant £195 on the night which will go towards the playground wall and new games/equipment. With Mrs Taylor’s cash-match scheme at work the £195 will become around £400 so that’s got us off to a flying start! It really is worth asking your employer if you run similar cash-match fundraising schemes as these have been brilliant for us in the last few years.
In addition to the various fundraising events throughout the year, you can also raise funds for school when you are shopping online. We have registered Curzon for the following…
You can raise funds via thousands of retailers (including John Lewis, Argos, M&S, Sports Direct, Boots, Asda to name but a few) when you do your everyday shopping online Each retailer will donate a percentage of your purchase to your chosen charity.
How do I sign up? Download the free app or go to their website, create a log in and select Curzon as your chosen charity. Every time you shop online, you will need to go to EasyFundraising first, whether online or through the app, find the retailer that you want and then start shopping. The retailer will make the donation to the charity on your behalf for all qualifying purchases you’ve made. Further information is available in the PTA section:
AmazonSmile is operated by Amazon, and allows you to shop at Amazon in the usual way whilst 0.5% of your net purchase is donated to your selected charity.
How do I sign up? If you wish to donate to Curzon whenever you shop on Amazon, please first go to via your web browser, click on “Get Started” and follow the instructions to log in and choose your charity. You will then be taken through to the usual Amazon page and the rest is done for you! Further information about Amazon Smile is available on the weblink.
and finally…
A HUGE thank you to everyone who came to the MacMillan Coffee Morning last Friday. In total (including gift aid) they raised an incredible £805 for such a worthy cause 🙂
PTA NEWS – 13th September 2019
First week down! anyone else feel like the Summer is a deep and distant memory?! 😉
PTA Tombola Donations
We are always very very grateful for any donations for our tombolas throughout the year. Our first one for this school year will be held at the Meet the Teacher/AGM night on the 25th September.
If you have unwanted gifts stashed in your cupboards, a spare box if choccies or bottle of wine please can you leave in the grey box in the office labelled donations.
Parents Coffee Morning (please note change of venue!)
Friday 20th September – straight after school drop off at Penn Street Village Hall. Please join us for coffee, cake and chat with other parents whilst raising money for a charity very close to the hearts of many of us. Younger children very welcome.
In addition to the various fundraising events throughout the year, you can also raise funds for school when you are shopping online. We have registered Curzon for the following…
You can raise funds via thousands of retailers (including John Lewis, Argos, M&S, Sports Direct, Boots, Asda to name but a few) when you do your everyday shopping online Each retailer will donate a percentage of your purchase to your chosen charity.
How do I sign up? Download the free app or go to their website, create a log in and select Curzon as your chosen charity. Every time you shop online, you will need to go to EasyFundraising first, whether online or through the app, find the retailer that you want and then start shopping. The retailer will make the donation to the charity on your behalf for all qualifying purchases you’ve made. Further information is available in the PTA section:
Amazon Smile
AmazonSmile is operated by Amazon, and allows you to shop at Amazon in the usual way whilst 0.5% of your net purchase is donated to your selected charity.
How do I sign up? If you wish to donate to Curzon whenever you shop on Amazon, please first go to via your web browser, click on “Get Started” and follow the instructions to log in and choose your charity. You will then be taken through to the usual Amazon page and the rest is done for you! Further information about Amazon Smile is available on the weblink.
PTA NEWS – 6th September 2019
Welcome to our new school year and for those families new to school welcome to our PTA newsletter. Our Curzon School PTA is a registered charity, run by volunteers with the aim of raising money to help and support our school and also create fun events which the kids will enjoy.
Each week we will hopefully keep you up to date with what is going on, coming up and how you can get involved.
Do check back each week to make sure you are up to date!
In the meantime…two dates for your diary below and have a WONDERFUL weekend x